Monday, May 24, 2010

Momentarily Freaked Out

Today we are expecting a good friend that has a landscaping business to swoop down on our yard and create some magic. We have lived in our home for nearly 8 years and have only had minimal landscaping that we have eked out ourselves, due to the magnitude of the job.

So, yesterday, when my husband said he needed to "get our shed ready for tomorrow," I was puzzled at why our friend would need to do anything with our was our lawn that was needing attention! When I asked him what he meant by that, my husband replied, "ready for doing P90X."

Huh? Say what? Tomorrow? This was a news flash I was unprepared for! I thought we were at least another week away from starting...or at least there would have been some psych-ourselves-up talk to give me an idea of what to expect on Monday.

Turns out he thought we had discussed starting then...but that wasn't exactly the conversation that I remembered. So--whew!--we decided that we should put off to next week what we could have begun today! (????)

That sounds really lame, but I just gotta have more mental prep and prayer to dive into this thing. So, one more week of P90 for us, and then next week the pain will officially begin!

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