Monday, February 4, 2008

To Change or Not to Change...That is the Question...That Taunts Me Relentlessly!

There are so many things I want to do, to experience in life. I have always been full of ideas, a visionary extraordinaire, my husband continually marvels at my genius! But it seems these grandois ideas never make it past being verbalized, some merely fantasized (too crazy to admit out loud!).

All of my life I have wanted to do more than average, be more than average, have more than average and give more than average. I avoid average, to be truthful. I used to have a button that stated: "Why be normal?". Normal is average. Boring. I have a red hallway and a red kitchen sink, wallpaper on my ceiling and orange fur around my rearview mirror... I don't do boring.

No offense meant for those of you with plain vanilla walls and all...I am just trying to explain my own complicated self. I want to learn to stretch myself, get out of my comfort zone, push past the obstacles and see some goals reached!

I guess I'll do all that in a little while...

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